Error Message: 8195

This section is for A2D2 Software Error Codes and general troubelshooting. (It will be continually updated)
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Joined: Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:51 pm

Error Message: 8195

Post by A2D2_TS » Thu Jan 16, 2020 6:28 pm

Below is the most common reasons for the error message 8195:

1) Cannot communicate with primary path location. This means the location is not authorized or properly shared.

Changing A2D2 Permissions

Changing the default directory

2) The primary storage location is full. Make temprty space by emptying the c:\a2d2_data folder or move xrays to external or NAS (Network-attached storage) system.

3) Wrong software version. If you are using newer image with old software it may be unable to communicate with the imager.

Go to the software forum posting to download the correct version.
